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Soumen Bera
“Imagination is more important than knowledge.” - Albert Einstein
Soumen Bera, Mubasher Rashid, Nitesh Kumawat, Biswajit Gopal Roy, Amit Chakraborty. Prefusion conformation of SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domain favours interactions with human receptor ACE2(Underreview).
Soumen Bera, Mubasher Rashid, Gui-Quan Sun, Alexander B. Medvinsky, Bai-Lian Li, Claudia Acquisti, Adnan Sljoka, Amit Chakraborty. Allosteric regulation of Glutamate dehydrogenase deamination activity. Scientific Reports (Nature),
Mubasher Rashid, Soumen Bera, Alexander B. Medvinsky, Gui-Quan Sun, Adnan Sljoka, Amit Chakraborty. Feedforward control of plant nitrate transporter NRT1.1 biphasic adaptive activity. Biophysical Journal (Cell Press), 2019.
Soumen Bera, Sanjay Lamba, Mubasher Rashid, Anuj K. Sharma, Alexander B. Medvinsky, Claudia Acquisti, Amit Chakraborty and Bai-Lian Lie. Robust regulation of hepatic pericentral amination by glutamate dehydrogenase kinetics. Royal Society Chemistry Integrative Biology, 2016, 8 ,1126-1132, DOI: 10.1039/C6IB00158K (Integrative Biology Recent HOT Articles).
Media Coverage: Daynic Bhaskar, Rajasthan Patrika and more..
Sanjay Lamba, Soumen Bera, Mubasher Rashid, Alexander B. Medvinsky, Gui-Quan Sun, Claudia Acquisti, Amit Chakraborty and Bai-Lian Li. Organization of biogeochemical nitrogen pathways with switch-like adjustment in fluctuating soil redox conditions. Royal Society open science.
4: 160768. DOI: 10.1098/rsos.160768.
Media Coverage: The Wire
Mubasher Rashid, Soumen Bera, Alexander B. Medvinsky, Gui-Quan Sun, Bai-Lian Li, and Amit Chakraborty. Adaptive Regulation of Nitrate Transceptor NRT1.1 in Fluctuating Soil Nitrate Conditions. iScience [Cell Press]2, 41–50 April 27, 2018. ​
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